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Cognos and HCMS Consulting

Call on CV Sampson to get your customized report development under way! Expert knowledge of UltiPro AND an advanced professional Cognos Report Developer means you’ll have your report fast.

Whether you’re a new client already using IBM Cognos 8 Business Intelligence (BI) solution or an existing client about to migrate to IBM Cognos 8 from Impromptu/IWR, we can provide the level of support you need to successfully complete your reporting project. One report or a thousand, we can help define, develop and implement an organizational reporting standard that best fits the company’s needs.

IBM Cognos Software is the leader in Business Intelligence tools…you have these tools, are you using them to their full potential? Call CV Sampson to discuss simple processes that can streamline the day to day processing of HR, Payroll and vendor related tasks.

Cognos Consulting
HCMS Consulting

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